As I pointed out in my original post, if you use the magnify function, the edges of the page eventually get cut off. So the magnify function is not a...
I won't go into why we should have 10 (same dues) or 12 (higher dues) paper issues of the Roundel. Switching to two digital issues per year has and...
The "build your own" function on the BMW web site is still for 2022 3-series models. I am trying to find a web site that lists the standard and...
I have a 2013 335xi. I find the blind spot detection alert is much too conservative. What I mean is that the system causes an alert even if the car...
As far as I can tell, the answer is no.
I don't think what the dealer told you is correct. I have never had the Concierge service, and sending addresses to my BMW has always worked for me.
It's the email address you use for your user name to access your BMW account at the BMW web site.
In Google Maps on your destop computer, after searching for a location or an address, look in the panel on the left. You will see the word "more"....
As the person who started this discussion, I just wanted to add that when the lease on my 2010 335i was up in April 2013, I did replace it with a...
This feature is working again.
There is a BMW Assist feature that allows one to send street addresses from Google Maps to iDrive on the BMW. The addresses show up in the Messages...
Messages I should clarify the issue about messages. The iDrive expert at my dealership told me that it is possible to display in the car the text...
Based on your response, I was able to fix the problem with calendar events not showing up. There is a setting on my iPhone under Settings: Privacy:...
I have a new 2013 335xi sedan equipped with iDrive. I have most of the iDrive functions figured out. However, Connected Drive and BMW Apps are still...
If nothing else, please get rid of the tacky rotating "advertisements" on the home page.
Does anyone know what engine the next generation 335i will have?
I've always used 3-4 psi as an estimate for the difference between a "cold" tire and a "warm" tire.
On my 2010 335i, I have smartphone integration with the snap-in adapter for the iPhone. The adapter fit my iPhone 3, although I had to pry the phone...
I guess I should consider myself lucky. Both my 2007 335i, which I kept for the 3-year lease period, and my current 2010 335i have had no problems...
After you connect the iPod, try disconnecting and reconnecting both the USB and audio cables from the ports under the center armrest. That...
Separate names with a comma.