Thanks so much for the advice. I took out the passenger seat, center counsol and have the carpet up on passenger side. The carpet has a very...
My 2002 325i was submerged in approximately 20" of water for ~3 hours - midway up bottom seat cushion. Did not get up to dash. I got to car 3...
I'm getting close to 200k miles on my 1993 325i and have never changed out the tensioners on the belts. They look/sound OK. Should these be...
My 2002 325i (E46) service-engine-soon light came on and next to it, "EML". I have 105,000 miles on the car. Do I need to purchase a diagnostic...
My 1993 325i head liner is sagging in the back. I drive with the windows open and the head liner is suffering. Any advice on how to re-secure...
My 3 series has 100K miles and tires seem to be wearing evenly. I'll need tires in about 10K miles. Is it wise to get a wheel alignment, and if so...
I'd like to purchase a system to help bleed my brake fluid. I see there are at least two basic types: one that pressurizes the fluid reservoir &...
O2 Sensors Sannyb - thanks for the link! Great price @ on O2 sensors - about 1/2 price. Is the quality equivalent to that from...
I recently changed my radiator hoses and coolant (E46/325i). The lower hose connection to the radiator was akward to install from top and I did not...
Thank you! The link to was tremendos! Great instructions on bleeding the brakes. Thanks again!
I'm planning to change my brake fluid and looking for tips as I've never done this. I know to watch for moisture & keep things clean. I'm planning...
I've heard the oxygen sensor before the coverter is most important to change out. I'm at 100k in my 2002 325i (E46) and the book says to change them...
My 2002, E46, 325i has "special lifetime fluid" in the manual transmission and differential. I have 100K miles and planned to change these fluids,...
Should I replace my water pump now that I've hit 100K miles on my 2002 325i? Also, is it wise to drain the block when changing my coolant?
Thank you! Matt - thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I started this afternoon, and was a bit stuck. I now know exactly what to do, and...
I have new accessory/ac belts for my 2002 325i. It's pretty tight in the local of these belts - any tips on changing the belts? Do I have to remove...
Is it necessary to "flush" my radiator or is it OK to just drain and refil? My fluid looks fine, but it's time to change. I have a 2002 325i....
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