Looked like a screaming run. I know that Smed was having problems getting power down in his 1M. For me, any time I can finish ahead of TC Kline in...
Are the results of the tsd rally and the autocross posted online anywhere?
Greetings! I'm updating my track decals and I'm having a problem remembering which configuration of Thunderbolt we ran. Was it A, B, or C from this...
I found that... but did I miss the coverage of the TSD rally in Roundel??
I didn't think I saw the write up or results for the TDS rally in the Ofest issue or Roundel. Did I miss it?
I rec'd my grill badge today.
Well, yes, but also no. I don't want to get into a big discussion here on the forum as I think it needs to be addressed elsewhere... but that...
Those are all good questions! Anyone want to talk about moving cars with DOT R comps to the "Race" class??? Those new Hoosier and BFGs are...
Greetings, I was just wondering what class the new 228 and M235 fit into for the Ofest Autocross? (Just trying to plan for when I hit tomorrows...
Thanks for the info and the pictures! I couldn't remember if they were 2 series or 3 series. I did have it backwards on the packages/tires. The...
Greetings! I'm trying to to remember what the two cars the Bridgestone guys had for their comparison testing and during the autocross. Would...
When and where will the results of all the activities be posted? Thanks!
I tested a helmet cam with FLIR at O'fest but I never heard when or where the videos would be found. Any leads?
My wife and I were looking at the schedule and it says it gets done at 12 noon. I'm guessing that is just an approximate time for car number 1 to...
Any idea on where the autocross will be held? Size of site? Surface?
Well how about that... I kept getting charged for an extra day. But it did get straightened out yesterday.
This. I'm also a race worker and an ex racer. If you have a car that is close to the limit, you can be legal at one track and not at another....
Will they be using the club course or the Pro straight? The only times I've been to MidO, we did the Pro straight (SCCA Runoffs 03-04)
Since I was unable to attend this year I was looking over the results for the AutoX. I was wondering what happened to the times/results for class 9...
Separate names with a comma.