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Rear Hatch Actuator

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by dgover, Mar 26, 2017.

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    So, I've read these are a common issue to go out on the E70's. I've got an '07, and the rear hatch actuator is starting to make some interesting noises, and I wanted to reach out to confirm the issue prior to spending the $325 for the new part. I am pretty sure it is the actuator assembly in the lower hatch that may be getting weak, but there is also a part in the upper hatch (the release). I am assuming that the part in the lower hatch is the actual motor that pulls the hatch close and locks it; am I correct in this? Any help would be appreciated!
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    Are you talking about the lock actuator or the actuator to lift the tailgate?
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    The lock actuator that pulls the hatch shut.
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    The lock actuator for the e70 is located in the top hatch door. What noises are you hearing, does it latch ok?

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