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Sirius Update

Discussion in 'Audio, Video & Electronics' started by rspeser, May 4, 2011.

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    Since Sirius changed their channel line up today, I anticipated the change would be accomplished with several steps as usual with Sirius. When I turned on the radio, it did not say acquiring as the email said it would. The radio just turned on and played the last station a usual. I attempted to accomplish a refresh using the Sirius web site, but their server stopped responding at least three times. Next I tried calling them. After putting in my ESN and responding to several prompts and after about 5-10 minutes, the recording said their system was down and call back in an hour. I also tried to call customer service and gave up after holding for 10 minutes. I had left the radio in the car on so that it could receive a hit if I ever got through to them. After 20-30 minutes, I pulled the car back into the garage and magically it had downloaded the new line up. I am posting this in case anyone else is having the same problem.
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    Strange, I forgot the stations were changing and on my drive home today nothing changed. I used the three or four preprogrammed stations I always used and noted no difference.:confused:

    Ted_Owen guest

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    Preprogramming supporsedly migrated to the new station numbers. It didn't work for my lone buttom dedicated to a Sirius channel, and I had to tune the new number then hold in the buttom a couple seconds.

    I guess what they meant was programming of the remotes for standalone Sirius radios, which I have in other cars, would follow to the new numbers, which it did successfully.

    Best, Ted
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    Satellite stations stored in the Presets list did forward automatically to the new channel assignments. Whether a programmable button would follow the change probably depends on how it was stored.

    If you selected and stored a station from the satellite radio list, that probably stored the channel number, so after the update the button would tune to whatever station was now broadcasting on that channel. If however you assigned a preset entry to the button, I expect that would store the preset slot number, not the channel number, so after the update it should continue to select the same station (because it selects a preset slot rather than a channel and the preset memory handles the channel forwarding).

    My experience with the update was seamless...in fact, since I generally ignore Sirius' emails, I didn't even know it was coming. I might not have noticed the lineup had changed at all, if not for on-air announcements and iDrive messages on relocated channels ("SoAndSo now ##").

    Ted_Owen guest

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    Good thought, thanks. Now I wish Sirius would do another alignment of station numbers, so I could try that out. : )

    Best, Ted
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    I had the same experience as you described. In my Toyota truck, the channel numbers changed, yet the "preset" channel buttons themselves did not. Its as if nothing changed at all...

    Since I have iDrive, I don't have any presets in my 328...I just pick the channel via the controller.
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    Baseball on Sirius

    Maybe they'll finally get around to offering us baseball and need to reconfigure the channels again.
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