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Removable HardTop for the Z3

Discussion in 'E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002)' started by TommyBuckman, Feb 6, 2010.

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    Has anyone got any experience with a Removeable Hardtop for the 2000 Z3? Mine is actually a 2000 M Roadster, but would suspect that the tops would be interchangeable? Also, I have a HardDog Roll Bar, would the roll bar interfere with the Hardtop? Does anyone know if the Removable Hardtop would allow participation in HPDE events of BMW? I have run my vehicle with the Carolina's Porsche Club with no problem, except that my 6 pt harnesses were not allowed to be used as I did not have racing seats, and my front hook ups were on the side rails of the seats, and this was not allowed. My instructor said that the factory seat belts would be safer in this instance, and we used those, since I had both still installed in the car.

    dizzytats guest

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    All hardtops for our roadsters are interchangeable. All from '96-2002. 4cyl-M. The differences (dimentions) are mainly the wheel base where the 4cyls are more narrow than the 6's. the reg. 6 cyls are identical in dimentions to the M. But when it comes to hard tops, they are all the same. The cabin never changed. But if you end up not using it... you can always sell it to me. I'll put it to GREAT use.:)
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    Thanks Dizzytats,
    I don't have one yet, but would like to find one. Still mostly curious as to whether it helps to get the car on the track for HPDE events? I will keep looking!

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