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M3 S6 - Does SMG work?

Discussion in 'E46 M3 (2001-2006)' started by AaronDaar, Dec 22, 2009.

    AaronDaar guest

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    I am a new BMW owner with a CPO 2006 E46 convertible. I've had it a few weeks and love it.

    One thing I just don't seem to have figured out, though. When I put myself into the S6 mode, I don't seem to be able to keep it in 'D'rive. I start out in neutral, de-activate DSC, see the magic S6 box, bump it up to S6.. .But, If I bump the lever over to Drive, it takes me right down to S5.

    I guess I don't understand....is S6 only to be used in manual mode?

    I've also driven manual with S6..but anytime I engage Drive, I lose S6.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    KCP37 guest

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    It's been a while since I've done it.But, I Don't think you have to be in N to set it to S6. You're probably resetting your SMG when you shift to D. Just put it in manual mode, while at a stop turn off the DSC/TC and then up to S6. Then you're ready to go. Be careful though, these cars are a whole different animal without the DSC on.
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    S has 6 modes, A only has 5 modes.

    M3Driver guest

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    Yes; but only with DSC off on the manual mode. However as another poster stated, be careful DSC off give you NO safety net.

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