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E36 Valentine One Hardwire

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by NJHaupt, Jun 11, 2009.

    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    Hey guys,

    I just got my second BMW, a 1999 (e36) 323is and I wanted to hardwire my Valentine One to it. I think I can pop down the panel that houses the reading lamps and mess with some of the wires in there, but I really don't know. :confused: If anyone has detailed instructions, I'd really appreciate it. I don't have much experience with car wiring, but I have enough common sense if the directions are clear. :D


    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    Update *Pictures*

    I took some pictures of the sunroof motor and the wiring that it accommodates it. Hope this helps...

    Entire Assembly

    Independent Wiring Harness

    Sunroof Motor

    Sunroof Motor Wiring

    Sunroof Switch Plug

    Tucked Wiring

    NJHaupt guest

    Post Count: 22
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    Close Thread. I got it.

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