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Timing Belt: In Over My Head?!?!

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by Elkoholic, Mar 23, 2009.

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    Are you going to the Del Val Chapter meeting this Thursday at VAC Motorsport? It is from 6:30 to 8:30. I am planning on being there.
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    Oh man, I didn't even know...I already missed the Nittany Bimmers Chapter meeting...it would be kinda tricky--I work in Malvern, and the commute's a biznatch. Plus, my car's gonna be back home in Lancaster for the week...blegh. Probably not gonna make it--catch ya on the flip side.

    What about the Carlisle show--still planning on heading over there next month?

    missmelyssa guest

    Post Count: 136
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    Cool Thread

    Reminded me of my Valentine's Day weekend. But I did find the task very informative.

    Glad you didn't give up Chris.

    And LOL to all the funny comments. "condom for your keyboard"....too funny.

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