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Steering Position sensor error after battery change

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by SkierBW, Dec 12, 2020.

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    I picked up my GFs car from the mechanic yesterday after a new battery installation, front pads, and rotors, rear pads, new brake booster, as well as a valve cover, vc gasket and eccentric shaft bearing sensor replacement. I drove it to my place without issue. A short while later I was driving to her house and these lights came on. I found a parking lot and attempted to recalibrate the steering position sensor after getting off the phone with the mechanic. It didn't work, I was on my way to an appointment so I really couldn't bring the car in immediately. Later I was able to get to the mechanic. The Owner wasn't there but one of the techs was. We plugged the car into the computer and reset the steering position sensor. The lights went out. All was good until I was about 10 minutes away when they came back on again. I can't address this with the mechanic until Monday. Any thoughts on the problem? Is this related to the battery install?

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