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Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by htw999, Aug 17, 2019.

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    Bought a used 2003 Z4 with DINAN 'kit' on it. I know the air box and exhaust are DINAN. What else was done to the car to turn it into a DINAN?

    Arrowhead BMW told me that BMW corporate required dealers to 'detune" the engine back to OEM specs. Does anyone know if this is true?
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    On the older Dinan vehicles they would but stickers of the upgrades under the hood to show the carb numbers off. I know BMW and Dinan have split ways since BMW started pushing upgrades. In order to CPO a car yes we have to remove all aftermarket parts or software. Being that it is a 2003 I doubt that has been done.

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