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This is what happens when a Ford Windstar decides not to stop......

Discussion in 'E81/E82/E87/E88 (2004-present)' started by 129794, May 13, 2010.

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    Post Count: 36
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    She was one of the first... Delivered 3/22/2008.
    Only 10,000 miles. Shes never been through a car wash. Never been driven in snow. Not a scratch to be found. Until yesterday.....
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    Post Count: 1,280
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    Oh my gosh! That's terrible! How did that happen?

    On the other hand, the damage looks repairable. Is the frame of your car ok? Glad to know you are (obviously) ok. Will their insurance cover the repairs?
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    Post Count: 548
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    That's a damn shame. I hope it is all cosmetic/bolt-on damage and the frame is OK. Looks like the wrecker operator knows his stuff--sometimes the tow does more harm than the impact! :eek:

    Here's wishing for a full and speedy recovery.
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    Since it just happened yesterday I dont really know a whole lot yet. I did talk to the head mechanic and he thought it was primarily cosmetic damage but that he wouldnt know for sure until he got it up on the racks. It did buckle the rearend enough that the trunk latch was about 2 inches off.. :( It all could have been a lot worse. The driver of the van never even hit the breaks and hit me going at least 30 (the speed limit was 45) and the passenger had to be taken to the ER on a stretcher... I woke up with a sore neck. Thank the engineers in Germany for knowing how to properly build cars
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    Post Count: 3,269
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    That's the sort of accident that the car will never fully recover from. Once it's warped in some way, something will never fit right down the line when it comes time to replace.

    Ask me how I know. :mad:
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    Post Count: 36
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    im waiting to see what the body man says. But if its not 100% back to what it was im going to have to do something different. I just hate to replace it. :(
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    Post Count: 523
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    that sucks, hope things work out for you with the repairs and insurance
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    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
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    Hope the neck is okay. Cars are consumables.
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    Post Count: 11
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    Sadly, yes they are. Be sure to visit your doctor regularly and don't sign any medical release until after you have received a satisfactory settlement and the doctor has cleared you.

    M3Driver guest

    Post Count: 619
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    Don't let the insurance company try to pass "non-OEM" parts on you. They will always try to get the cheap way out (I know). Insist on BMW OEM parts.

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